It’s been raining off and on down here in Casa Grande the last few days. That being said, it’s still warm, t-shirt and shorts weather. I haven’t been able to get out and work on my leather projects because, unlike my shop up in Oregon, I am not working from a physical shop.
The physical shop has its benefits and its inherent problems not unlike the rain here. The benefit is being able to work during rainy weather, the detriment is being trapped in a building without the great natural lighting and fresh air flowing through. I have gotten to really enjoy working outside down here in the nice weather, of which we get a lot of, down here in the Arizona desert.
There is a constant flow of wildlife while out working, doves, quail, jackrabbits, cottontails and such. These things make my leather working designs flow better than being cooped up in a stuffy old shop.
Another benefit being that my leather work requires a constant flow of design, which I do for the most part during these, “rainy” days. Sitting at the table drawing scroll work, assorted flowers, and wildlife such as cougars, elk, deer, horses and such. On North Dakota rancher even wanted a tractor, but that’s a story for another time.
One of the benefits of working outside is the flow of people walking by. They get curious as to what I’m doing, which leads to stopping by to have a look. A look quite often leads to a request for a custom leather project, be it a belt, wallet, purse or maybe a holster or?
Anyway, these rain days down here in the desert are few and far between and I know that in a few days they will pass and it’s back to physically cutting, carving, stitching and making more of what I love to do. By the way, if you love what you are doing, it ain’t work!
If you are interested in a Hand Carved Wallet, holster, Belts or?
visit my Facebook page
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Saddles, wallets, purses, belts, bronc halters and much more!